Scientific Report on Tyre and Road Wear Particles, TRWP, in the aquatic environment
By Prof. emer. Martin Jekel, TU Berlin
Following the conclusion of the European TRWP Platform, which was launched by ETRMA in July 2018, this report is designed to be a summary of the existing scientific research and knowledge gaps based on the available literature, with an emphasis on recent studies, publications, reports and presentations of participants at the high-level and technical meetings of the Platform. The meetings were facilitated by the European Business Network for Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR Europe, in Brussels and brought together cross-sector stakeholders to share scientific research to fill knowledge gaps around TRWP and co-create possible mitigation options. This report sums up the knowledge of the nature of TRWP, their transportation and fate from generation on the road to freshwater systems.
Download here: Scientific Report on Tyre and Road Wear Particles